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Hillary Clinton's even the New York Times now recognize that her bought and paid for Russian dossier was likely rushing this information from from the beginning of my questions more about her attack on Biden on the issue of race and know the reality is he did praise the guy that filibustered the Civil Rights Act imagine if you done that buying did support the NT busing amendment of Robert Byrd and by the way he did say he worried his children would grow up in a Premium Dallas Cowboys NFL One Nation Under God Statue Of Liberty shirt racial jungle referring to school and integration and he did you know use the comment more recently laid black and poor kids are just as smart as white kids in the previous campaign to put y'all back in chains and can go to a Dunkin' Donuts or of 7 Eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent and what he said about even Barack Obama clean and bright and articulate in that storybook and man like to say the words come on man come on man your reaction to her attacks on him on the issue of race first of all what you said about Russia the New York Times. Hillary Clinton's even the New York Times now recognize that her bought and paid for Russian dossier was likely rushing this information from from the beginning of my questions more about her attack on Biden on the issue of race and know the reality is he did praise the guy that filibustered the Civil Rights Act imagine if you done that buying did support the NT busing amendment of Robert Byrd and by the way he did say he worried his children would grow up in a racial jungle referring to school and integration and he did you know use the comment more recently laid black and poor kids are just as smart as white kids in the previous campaign to put y'all back in chains and can go to a Dunkin' Donuts or of 7 Eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent and what he said about even Barack Obama clean and bright and articulate in that storybook and man like to say the words come on man come on man your reaction to her attacks on him on the issue of race first of all what you said about Russia the New York Times. Then we fight for our country the way she did for us yes temperance that's the industry push forward the Republicans to push forward but temperance called ends quiet study quiet looking careful looking somebodies almost is also an artist can be central but there's also I'm getting an image of somebody like digging through the Library of Congress nothing literally that sector digging through the stacks in the middle of the night or are there trying to find precedence there trying
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Premium Dallas Cowboys NFL One Nation Under God Statue Of Liberty shirt
Premium Dallas Cowboys NFL One Nation Under God Statue Of Liberty shirt
Premium Dallas Cowboys NFL One Nation Under God Statue Of Liberty shirt
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Then we fight for our country the way she did for us yes temperance that's the industry push forward the Republicans to push forward but temperance called ends quiet study quiet looking careful looking somebodies almost is also an Premium Dallas Cowboys NFL One Nation Under God Statue Of Liberty shirt artist can be central but there's also I'm getting an image of somebody like digging through the Library of Congress nothing literally that sector digging through the stacks in the middle of the night or are there trying to find precedence there trying. Then we fight for our country the way she did for us yes temperance that's the industry push forward the Republicans to push forward but temperance called ends quiet study quiet looking careful looking somebodies almost is also an artist can be central but there's also I'm getting an image of somebody like digging through the Library of Congress nothing literally that sector digging through the stacks in the middle of the night or are there trying to find precedence there trying. Then we fight for our country the way she did for us yes temperance that's the industry push forward the Republicans to push forward but temperance called ends quiet study quiet looking careful looking somebodies almost is also an artist can be central but there's also I'm getting an image of somebody like digging through the Library of Congress nothing literally that sector digging through the stacks in the middle of the night or are there trying to find precedence there trying
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