Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 3, 2019

Hot I can’t my kid has practice a game or something shirt

Calling all dancers we want to see your best moves to what about us submit a Hot I can’t my kid has practice a game or something shirt youtube or instagram video of you dancing to 30 seconds or more of the song you could win a trip to see p nk perform in nyc this fall head to for more information. This is my amazing rescue horse world horse welfare mccloud he is a finalist in world horse welfares rehomed horse of the year competition in the social media superstar category please vote for mccloud he's worth his weight in gold and has helped me so much with confidence issues after a nasty riding accident voting closes on wednesday 26th september so hurry up and vote it will be greatly appreciated he deserves to win just like his photo x here's the link. Can't thank everyone enough for the response it's been really great so many people demanded it on that demand it or whatever website that it was added to shitloads more theaters than we'd expected see we have no control on where the movie shows as the theaters have to decide to book it in and coming out during the week of batman's release I figured we'd maybe get 30 theaters but it's something like 150 which kind of blows my mind the one day thing was there for 2 good reasons one it's really hard to get theaters to commit to showing a movie like this outside of a few big cities and that didn't seem too interesting this way they only had to commit to one day and if they wanted to keep showing it after that then they could it was the only way to get it to so many places so there'd be fewer why isn't it in my town fb posts because you can demand it better than me like the towns all of us in the band grew up in I e decidedly not big cities the second reason was that it seemed like it would be better to see this in a theatre that was pretty full and pretty full of other people who actually wanted to be there it'd be more fun that way this in an empty theatre might be just sad and not sad in the moving way just sad in the pathetic way so thanks to all of you who demanded it or went to see it of course there will eventually also be the entire concert eventually which is something like 4 dvds or something I still can't get a clear answer so for the couple of commenters who wanted more music there'll likely be too much in that version so you can come comment when that's out and say meh that concert was too long who does james murphy think he is bruce springsteen jerk we're honored that you'd care enough to see it and we're proud that oscilloscope put it out adam yauch was a great person who worked insanely hard to do things in a way that he felt was right honorable and hilarious and through his vision oscilloscope has become this weird amazing place where you can do things like this I knew adam for a long time and have been and continue to be inspired by him in a million ways musically ethically personally business wise and in the paint though he was more of a point guard really thanks james Hot I can’t my kid has practice a game or something shirt

Hot I can’t my kid has practice a game or something shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women

Hot I can’t my kid has practice a game or something shirt

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