Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 10, 2018

They would destroy her just like they re destroying kavanaugh they would have found a Unicorn handler in training Shirt different angle to take but make no mistake about it they would not have gone easy see that would have pointed out the hypocrisy hang on the break here coming up susie we ll get to you right after the break but that s the hypocrisy they would have destroyed this woman any woman. Together we can make a difference visit your participating starbucks store today through june 30th to make a donation to the alberta red cross relief efforts. From thehill com red state democrats face nightmare scenario on kavanaugh this article shows beyond a doubt the democrats have brought up all of these unfounded sexual allegations and now kavanaugh do you realize the latest defense the new york times has run a story saying that brett kavanaugh threw ice on a fellow bar patron back in his days at yale paraphrased he threw ice this goes to show just how unfit to the supreme court brett kavanaugh is
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