It is obvious to me but I guess not a Mac Miller shirt whole lot of people can say it but this is a setup its a thorough entire setup its gotta be a setup and the Senate ought to deal with it as though its a setup if she doesn’t show up then go ahead with the vote and now the accuser is saying she can’t show up she won’t show up until the FBI investigates ladies and gentlemen the whole business of the FBI investigating something that’s 36 years old is dubious at best. There’s a lot of lingering bitterness and rancor in the Republican party over the fact that Trump won and there’s still an effervescing desire on the part of some Republicans to pay trump back and deny trump any victories so that they can join the Democrats in trying to get rid of Donald Trump. I realize it matters like this I still sometimes come across as naïve and I don’t care I really don’t the idea that these people run around and broadcast proudly the idea that the accuser doesn’t have to prove anything that the accuser doesn’t have to corroborate you realize what all of this means you realize how easy it is now to derail anything the united states senate is doing. Drake has filed a lawsuit against a woman who allegedly falsely stated that she was impregnated by the rapper and then accused him of sexual assault after the baby scam as the lawsuit phrases it failed. The united states government’s collecting record tax revenue we ‘ve had Republicans running for office for years claiming to want to get control of spending that’s why the tea party came into existence in part in 2010 there’s not even any pretense now
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Senator Hirono but really guess who’s perpetuating all of these kinds of actions its the men in this country and I just want to say to the men of this country just shut up and step up do the right thing for a Mac Miller shirt change. Folks my brother is out with a new book and you know he’s got a pattern here its another Christian themed book its called jesus rises paul and the early church my brother recognizes that the bible is an intimidating thing for people who have not read it. The answer to why is eminently simple judge Cavenaugh was nominated this has gone on weeks longer than the average confirmation process he’s eminently qualified. The only thing we can do with climate change is adapt to it which is what human beings have done from the beginning of the eons we adopt all living things adapt some do it naturally don’t know they re doing it like animals we do it because we have superior intelligence we adapt to things like we invent air conditioning we invent shade trees we invent coke coca cola any number of things we adapt when it rains we seek shelter. You come from a world of decency and honor and common sense its a bygone era were now in the metro movement where there are exceptions but for the most part the woman says it and you have to believe it at least in terms of how you approach it you have to believe it it is political suicide not to accept it as true or likely